What is HSC App?

Give your best shot in Tamil Nadu HSC board examinations byattending more than 2000+ one-mark questions stored in our updatedHSC app for smart phones. Your search for HSC Multiple ChoiceQuestions finally ends here.
(This app is designed & developed using Google’s MaterialDesign)

Who are we?

After a successful launch of ‘SSLC’ App, which was aimed tocater the needs of SSLC aspiring students, our team has nowexpanded their focus to fulfill the needs of TN HSC aspiringstudents.

What is the curriculum?

1. Mathematics
2. Physics
3. Chemistry
4. Biology
5. Computer Science

Why do you need one?

* With a huge repository of Question & Answers (more than2000+ questions), you have the choice to attend as much number ofquestions as you can.

* To err is human. Right? So you can review the attendedquestion with the correct answers at the end of the test.

* You have got a chance to RETAKE the SAME TEST with DIFFERENTset of QUESTIONS at the end of assessment & lots more.

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