Hypnosis Guide 1.0 APK

Hypnosis Powerful guide for beginners isanessential book for those who wants to gain full mind controlinothers and yours.

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Chapter 1: Simple connections.
In this chapter some simple practical examples are given whichallowthe reader to explore in person and
with others some of the obvious things about the way in whichthemind and body work. In particular
attention is a drawn to the way in which activity in one partorsubsystem of the brain can lead quite
naturally, but usually in a little time, to activity inanotherpart. But the speed and quality of the response
varies from person to person.
These results are related to "tests of hypnotisability" andto"hypnotic inductions": which are ways in
which they have been regarded in the past.
Chapter 2: Switching off systems.
In which we explore various ways in which muscular relaxation canbeinduced. The main systems used
to do this include the verbal, visual, emotional, musicalandhumorous.
We end with a sample compound induction script.
Chapter 3: The visual imagination
We explore the visual imagination, which is enormously richandvaried. This is a tool much used in
hypnosis and so it is valuable to explore its natural processesinmany people, including yourself.
You may agree that one of the main functions you have whenhelpinganother to explore his or her
imagination is in helping to maintain focus, primarily byaskingquestions.
The question of what kind of meaning such an exploration givesisleft open. There are a wide variety of
interpretation schemes which you will find: I simply urge youtokeep at least TWO such possibilities in
mind so that you are less likely to jump tounjustifiableconclusions. Sometimes the asking of questions
will help to resolve a conflict between two interpretations.
The material you find is seldom strange by the standardofdreams.
Chapter 4: Directing and Controlling the Imagination
The visual imagination can not only be used for exploration, itcanbe guided and directed. This chapter
provides exercises to develop this ability.
The specifics used are to imagine a place, then a strange elementinit, then a changed, floating
viewpoint, then a floating journey. Next the ability tochangeimages is used to change a small memory;
then developed to see if a completely different life canbepictured.
This chapter should teach you how much can be done withtheimagination in many people without any
"induction" or other hypnotic techniques.
Chapter 5: Exploring "Inductions"
In this chapter for the first time we will meet some processeswhichhave been passed down the years as
being ways of producing some dramatic changes in the functioningofpeople. These are what have been
called "hypnotic inductions". We start with a close look ataninduction used by James Braid, the father
of hypnotism. Then some others, again from well-known names inthehistory of our subject, are given
more briefly for you to try.
The question of whether as a result of such inductions agivenperson will respond more readily to
suggestions is one that you can explore practically.
Some reasons are given why such inductions may have beenmoresuccessful in the past, and need
modifying for the present day.

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