iDrive for Uber 2.0.209 APK

You can make more money driving for Uber if you track all yourmiles and expenses to get the most of your tax deductions. It iseasy. Developed by rideshare drivers, this app is more than a taxrecordkeeping tool. Find out how much money you REALLY make fromyour driving business. Turn on iDrive as you start every shift.Turn it off at the end of the shift. Automatically create taxrecords to claim tax deductible expenses and see the key detailsyou need to manage your business! The app automatically tracksevery mile you drive. Ready to use at tax time. Understand yourbusiness better and make more money: actively manage your drivingstrategy. Add shift targets, fares, and view the results. See anypatterns? What can you change? Where, when, and how you driveaffect your profit! You're a pro. Itemizing expenses? Add fuel andall business-related expenses—with a picture of each receipt—tocreate tax records. iDrive uses entered odometer readings tocalculate Business Use % of your car, ready to use at tax time.Additional features include: EASY TO CUSTOMIZE: Customize appSettings with your accounting and vehicle details. • Use Metric orImperial Units • App supports multiple currencies • Use automaticGPS tracking or change to manual odometer entry • Set tax fiscalyear (FY) - 5 initial settings set local tax rules - App reportscurrent FY data, change to view prior FYs - Back up (and restore)entire database by FY • Define and record information on multiplecars, by each car • Enter annual/quarterly odometer readings (forBusiness Use %) HELP WHILE YOU DRIVE View key shift informationwhile you are driving—driving time, $/hr, driving efficiency. Noteinteresting end-of-shift information—fare type graph, total shiftmap. Use these bonus features when you need them. Take Me Home! •Lost in a city or suburb? One tap launches a map to get you back tofamiliar territory! Find Best Fuel Price List—check for cheap fuelbefore you fill up. • Price List automatically updates as localiDrive users buy fuel • Nearest (50 mi) and latest (7 days) fuelprices recorded in your area • Tap item (map or list) formap/directions to that station MANAGING YOUR RECORDS Routinely savedata records off your phone to keep tax records safe. • Export CSVfiles and receipt images to your cloud account or email - Work Logs(contain all shift details, including total shift mileage) -Expense Log (fuel and business-related purchase details) - Receiptimages from your phone's gallery Routinely export your database toback up the app • This Backup file can install your existingrecords on a new phone ANALYZE YOUR BUSINESS If you enter shifttime/$ targets and add fare details every time you drive, viewthese iDrive reports. • My Money: entering all income and expensecreates Profitability and Cash Flow estimates • My Hourly Rates:shift start/end times calculate average $/Hr (before and afterexpenses) • Productivity by Day of Week: fare totals by the day ofthe week compare productivity • Shift Targets: compare actual income and hours history (app-recorded shift data only) •Driving Efficiency: compare Paid/Non Paid shift mileage by month(app-recorded shift data only)

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