Illuminated Words Zero 5.0 APK

Illuminated Words Zero was inspired by thosereally satisfying color swatches you find in paint shops. Findwords against the clock in a unique, fast paced word game. Tint theworld with your words and collect colors to build up your colorpalette.

Illuminated Words is a FREE addictive, ambient experience. As youplay the game you will gradually unlock colors with names likeUnmellow Yellow and Mango Tango and fill in and collect a colorswatch on the front screen.

Illuminated Words is a new take on traditional word games. Longerwords will form special blocks which will explode with color andhelp you on your way. Flow through many colors to a beautifulambient soundtrack, challenging yourself to unlock all theshades.

The game itself is a race against the clock to find words on a gridand collect as many colours as possible. Finding words will destroythe letters and start to tint the screen in a color. Longer wordswill create special blocks which will explode in a burst of colorprogressing things more quickly. The whole game is designed to bean ambient flow experience, with the visuals and music adapting tothe game progress and the color currently being worked on.

Players of any ability level can enjoy Illuminated Words. The gamecan be played competitively to see which level (colors collected inone turn) can be achieved, but whichever level players reach theywill unlock some new colours and continually progress through thegame.

Illuminated words is a beautiful, highly polished adventure withletters. Chillout and Spell.

The Zero version is completely FREE FREE FREE to play the wholegame, so don't hang around, jump in today.

Listen to the beautiful ambient music as you flow through the gameand train your brain to un scramble the soup of letters in front ofyou. Longer words will form awesome explosive specials which willcrush all the blocks around them. Its true colormania!.

The game is a nice experience, and which being great at spellingwill help you, anyone can progress, unlock colors and have fun withthis word game. It is a rush to unlock a new colour by making agreat word with a special letter and seeing everything light up(illuminate) in the color you are working on.

The colors in the game have some great names like OutrageousOrange, Candy Apple Red and Unmellow Yellow. It is great fun tofree the colours and learn which names go with which tones. Ialways found those colour swatches at the paint shop reallysatisfying and that is the inspiration behind this game.

Illuminated words will be ideal for fans of crossword puzzles,scrabble and boggle. It challenges the brain of even the mosthardened bookworm. with a bit of training you will be having funbeating you highscore and challenging your friends to beat it orfind a longer word than you.

Seek the longest word in the alphabet mess and create a specialcolor bomb. It is very satisfying to gradually reveal the wholebejeweled colour swatch picture and free all the tones. Quiz yourfriends on where to go and puzzle over getting rid of difficultletters. If you guess a word it will light up in fire letting youknow it is correct so you dont make false moves. The trick togetting the whole pic is to keep playing - each run will draw moreof the pic.

So whether you love crosswords and puzzles or just like a niceambient experience, there is something in this game for you.Illuminated Words, Chillout and Spell.

Praise for Illuminated Words

“It has the same chilled vibe as auralux, eufloria or osmos, but iseven more addictive” - 5/5
“You can see some similarities to spelltower, but this game doesjust about everything better” - 5/5
“I am ignoring my husband trying to get all the colors!” -5/5

Illuminated Words is something special. Get it today and begin yoursaga. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 GO!!!

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