Impossible Rainbow Road 3.6 APK

A physics-based game that's easy to understandbut hard to play. You'll fall frequently! Eventually you'lldiscover the beauty of jumping and the sneakiness oftime-rewinding.

The game can be played with one thumb in portrait orientation,or two-thumbed in landscape mode or on a tablet, or simply bytilting the device with the optional tilt control technique.

* Tap on the left or right to steer. (Or drag your finger ortilt the device, depending on your chosen control technique.) Thefurther to the side you tap/drag/tilt, the more the ballturns.
* Touch and hold the clock-rewind icon to reverse time.
* Touch the Pause button to pause, restart, or adjust thesensitivity.

You can customize the level of difficulty:
* Easy means a larger heavier ball and a straighter, wider road.Good for practice.
* Insane means a light, jumpy ball and a narrow twisty road. Thehighest scores can be achieved here with frequent long jumps.
* Normal difficulty is midway between the other two.

When you get a new high score it's compared to other scores forthe same difficulty level. You'll get an idea of where you standwith a message like, "You're in the top 10% of all players!" Like aleaderboard but without fussing with names.

You can select your choice of background images and bonussounds. You can also record your own bonus sound; try your ownyeehah or woohoo!

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