In Touch POS 3.0.3 APK

Point of Sale dealers across the countrynowhave a mobile product that will revolutionize the way thePOSbusiness is done. Developed by In Touch Systems NC theDealerConnect mobile app sets a new standard in the way the POSdealerdoes business.

By taking full advantage of smartphone technology the POSdealercan now put in place the most significant technologyadvancementthe POS dealer has seen since the introduction of thetouchscreen.

The dealer Connect app features:

Native push: keeps customers informed of will keep yourcustomersinformed of updates, new product offerings, deals andspecials onparts and supplies.
Customer feedback: Know how you doing by getting immediatefeedbackon service tech performance.
Photo Gallery:
Social Media Marketing: take advantage of the power of socialmediamarketing with direct integration to Facebook and Twitter.

Customer Placement:
Give each of your dealer customers the own mobile app tool aschildapp under your Dealer Connect parent app. Through thisplacementyour customers will have a feature packed mobiletool.
Mobile order: Each of your customers will orders for partsandsupplies from the the app.
Native Push for house communications: your customerswillcommunicate front of the house staff, back the house staffandmanagers through native push notices directly to the staffmemberssmartphone.
Shift Change Request: no more miscommunications. Employeerequestare made through the app and sent directly tomanagementssmartphone.

Dealer Connect from In Touch Systems is here. Improveyourmarketing, support, lock in your customer loyalty, and developanew revenue source to your POS dealership.

App Information