inet mTrace 1.0 APK

inet m-trace - the newly developed appfrominet-logistics which brings key parts of the inettransportationmanagement system (TMS) to your smartphone. With inetm-trace youcan view and monitor the current status of yourshipments on yoursmartphone rapidly and therefore gain superbinformation on thecurrent location of your shipments without havingto reach for yourPC, wherever you are.

Getting information on your shipments is this fast

All you have to do to call up your shipments is to scan thebarcodewith your smartphone. Alternatively, you can also enter theorder,customer or barcode number for the requisite shipments.

With the keyword feature, the shipments you retrieve can thenbefiltered further using the shipment number, consignorordate.

All key shipments at a glance: with the favorites andhistoryfeatures

The inet m-trace favorites feature enables rapid access to alltheshipments that are of importance to you. These can behighlightedeasily and be viewed clearly and at all times under theFavoritesmenu item.
By clicking on the appropriate shipment, in addition to theshipmentnumber, consignor and date of receipt, you also receivefurtherdetailed information such as the type of order (collectionorder,return order, transport order), contact details for theconsignorand recipient, dispatch date, status information and, ifavailable,a listing of status information for all partroutes.

All of the shipments that you upload, along with theshipmentnumber, consignor and date of receipt, are automaticallyandchronologically saved in the history feature. This guaranteesrapidaccess to your shipment information wherever you are.

inet m-trace – maintain the overview.

App Information