ISCOTUSnow provides detailed information onall U.S. Supreme Court cases accepted for review or decided by theCourt in the current and immediately preceding Terms.

The app delivers:
--plain English abstracts in every docketed and decided case
--searchable audio of oral arguments aligned with argumenttranscripts
--instant access to audio+transcripts via cellular or wifinetworks
--searchable opinions within minutes of release
--cause of action location data

With ISCOTUSnow, anyone with an interest in the nation's highestcourt can have up-to-the-minute information on iOS devices. No needto rely on desktop hardware or browsers when this app does itall.

ISCOTUSnow is a free public service supported by IITChicago-Kent College of Law and developed its Institute on theSupreme Court of the United States in collaboration with The OyezProject at Chicago-Kent.

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