Jahaveer Chalisa with Audio 1.0 APK

Chalisa - forty verses of lyrics. Versesthatpraise and plead with devotion. They are recited over andoveragain or chanted by groups ... even in the cane and rice fieldsbyearly indentured laborers ... or sung quietly in private templesinmany homes. Each is directed to a deity ... there are asmanydeities as their are virtuous deeds and acts ... whose actsanddeeds are recalled in the verses to aid the devotee to meditateonrighteous and noble qualities. Chalisas have been inexistencesince the emergence of the human race.

This App have following feature:-

1)Verses in English with its meaning

2)Audio Feature
- Listen to the Audio in background.
- Rotating Deity Photos while listening the JahaveerChalisaAudio.

-Have really amazing Deity Photos in cover flow patter which canbedownloaded in photo library and used as wallpaper and asscreensaver.

App Information