JCT Polytechnic College 3.3 APK

The JCT Polytechnic College was established in 2014 as acharitableinstitution with a prime ambition of affordingopportunities toyoung men and women for equipping themselves to getemployed andcontribute to the technological development of thenation. Thecollege is growing day by day and emerging as one of therankingpolytechnic institutions in Tamilnadu. The College islocated atPichanur at the foothills of the Western Ghats in aserene, ecofriendly lush green environment. The college hasexcellentinfrastructure facilities like spacious buildings, fullyequippedlaboratories for each discipline, workshops, computercenter withinternet connectivity, and well – qualified, experiencedanddedicated faculty. Vision To achieve a leading positionintechnical education and to impart quality education andcompetencybased training by providing a conducive learningatmosphere tofulfill the need of the students. Mission ThePolytechnic Collegeaims to inculcate value-based technicaleducation and mould thecharacter of the new generation enablingthem to fit into a widerworld and pursue socially productivecareers and meet thechallenging needs of the industry, society andthe country. QualityPolicy JCT polytechnic college is committed toproduce technicallycompetent students with the necessary skills andcharacterespecially from new generation, to meet the emerging needsof theIndustry and Society

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