JT Assistant 0.5 APK

OPEN CASCADE JT Assistant for Android is anoffline viewer for files in JT format, an industry focused,high-performance, lightweight, flexible file format intended forrepresentation of 3D products, developed by Siemens PLM Software.JT files can contain assemblies of industrial scale (up to 100 000parts).

JT Assistant handles JT meshes and supports late loading, CPU basedsize and visibility filtration techniques to optimize the amount ofloaded and visualized data, as well as level-of-detail (LOD)management.

If you wish to use this technology for development of customizedsolutions for your business, contact us at:http://www.opencascade.com/contact

Supported JT data

JT file versions 8.0 - 9.5 are currently supported. Tessellationdata and assembly structure are visualized. Monolithic andnon-monolithic assemblies are supported.

Assembly structure of the model can be navigated through treebrowser, displaying the names of parts and their instances in theassembly (if available). The components of the assembly can behidden or shown as necessary to inspect the model.

A few sample JT files are included with JT Assistant. You can findmore examples at Siemens PLM web site, JT2Go page, or GrabCAD website.

Common operations

JT Assistant for Android is optimized for devices with multi-touchscreen and provides intuitive manipulation of the 3D view by fingergestures.

Viewer supports multi-resolution representations of part geometry,as well as optimized visualization and selection involving dynamicLOD management, frustum culling, and size culling techniques.

Left toolbar provides buttons for fitting model to window andchoice of standard views. Settings submenu provides access toviewer and application options as well as model information.

Files can be opened from local storage (internal memory or SDcard). JT Assistant integrates with Android so that applicationssupporting file associations will launch it for opening JT files.For instance, you can open JT file sent to you by mail by simpleclick on attachment in mail client.

Save file dialog allows saving current image of the model to PNGformat. If target directory Mail is selected, the mail client willbe automatically started with saved file as attachment.

Supported platforms

JT Assistant has been tested to work on a range of modernmiddle-level tablets and smartphones. Note that it supports onlylandscape screen orientation and this might be inconvenient onphones.

Application requires OpenGL ES 3.0+ or OpenGL ES 2.0 withGL_OES_element_index_uint extension.


This is the first version of JT Assistant and it has the followinglimitations:
- JT file versions 8.0 - 9.5 are currently supported;
- only tessellated data are visualized (BRep geometry, PMI data,and attributes are ignored);
- no support for export to JT format;
- not completely optimized for performance and devices with smallscreen size.

This will be improved in the future versions.

Depending on a device, opening large files may take time. Deviceswith low-range graphic processor could be slow on displaying largemodels. For scenes consisting of several millions of triangles, thesystem may kill the application with no warning due to GPUproblems.

See more at http://www.opencascade.com/content/jt-assistant


We welcome your feedback on Google Play or on our User Forum athttp://www.opencascade.com/forums/applications

App Information