Jump To The Wall 2.0 APK

let's try your majesty

3 levels:

Beginners level : the screen is not divided with thepossibilityto increase or decrease the velocity of the player.

Professionals level : this level makes the game morechallengingand fun, the screen is divided into two pieces and youcan increaseor decrease the velocity of the player.

In humans level : to make the game more challenging forthegamers we create a third mode where the screen is divided intofourpieces and as always you can easily control the velocity oftheplayer.

let's try your majesty

3 levels:

Beginners level: the screen is not divided with thepossibilityto increase or decrease the velocity of the player.

Professionals level: this level makes the game morechallengingand fun, the screen is divided into two pieces and youcan increaseor decrease the velocity of the player.

In humans level: to make the game more challenging for thegamerswe create a third mode where the screen is divided into fourpiecesand as always you can easily control the velocity of theplayer.

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