Kamus PKn 2 1.2.2 APK

Kamus Pkn 2 yang berisi kosakata danistilah-istilah yang sering muncul dalam pelajaran Pkn baik dalamranah perguruan tinggi maupun sekolah menengah dan dasar. Aplikasiini juga membantu anda yang akan mengikuti tes CPNS

Kelebihan :
- Offline
- Terdapat pengertian menurut KBBI
- Terdapat pengertian menurut Wikipedia
- Terdapat pengertian menurut Para Ahli

Tampilan baru: Material Design

2 Civic Educationdictionary containing vocabulary and terms appear frequently inCivic Education lessons both in the realm of higher education andelementary and secondary schools. This application also helps youwho will take the test CPNS

Advantages :
- Offline
- There is a sense according to KBBI
- There is a sense according to Wikipedia
- There is the sense according to Experts

New look: Material Design

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