Keep Notifying 1.1.2 APK

Ever take a look at your phone, only tonoticethat you missed a call or text hours ago because thenotificationdidn't keep telling you? This app will help with that.

As notifications are displayed in the system, Keep Notifyingwillkeep track of them, and keep notifying until you acknowledgethatyou've seen them. In normal usage, Keep Notifying stays inthebackground, so you never need to deal with it directly, excepttoconfigure it.

Sense based phones have a hook to determine when anotificationhas been cleared, so this app works best with a Sensebased OS. Onnon-Sense based OS's, if notifications keep chimingafter you clearthem, be sure to enable the Clear All Notificationin theConfiguration. Otherwise, keep it disabled, and enjoy thetroublefree notification handling.

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