Knights In Armor Game 1.0 APK

The Knights In Armor Memory Game is ascorekept matching game, featuring various knights of the world.Thisgame is free and challenges the memory. Score is kept allowingyouto try and do better each time.

Another thrilling feature to the Knights In Armor MemoryGamethat makes it even more awesome then just a matching game -youmust find the icons that match in some way! When you make alinkedmatch the knights in armor game for kids & adults willshow thelink. You also get some help along the way.

The Knights In Armor Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!

Medieval armor went through great changes throughout history.Asbattles were fought and lives were lost, people of the timefiguredout what types of armor worked better for certaincircumstances.Knights and warriors needed to be able to movefreely, but theyalso needed sturdy armor to allow them the chanceto live throughbattle. With time, a knight's armor was perfected sothey could gointo combat without having to worry.

Knights and the ideals of knighthood featured largely inmedievaland Renaissance literature, and have secured a permanentplace inliterary romance. While chivalric romances abound,particularlynotable literary portrayals of knighthood include TheSong ofRoland, Geoffrey Chaucer's The Knight's Tale,BaldassareCastiglione's The Book of the Courtier, and Miguel deCervantes'Don Quixote, as well as Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morted'Arthur andother Arthurian tales (Geoffrey of Monmouth's HistoriaRegumBritanniae, the Pearl Poet's Sir Gawain and the GreenKnight,etc.).

The wearing of chain mail and body armor has been an effectivemeansof protection in combat and war for centuries. Its use datesback tothe Greeks and early roman empire where warriors andlegionnairesdonned metal plate and mail armour. The medieval eraknights aremost remembered for their elaborate and battle shieldsin brilliantcolors. But a knight's armour was more thatprotection. It reflectedhis status and lifestyle.

Medieval armor often offered protection for all of thelimbs,including metal boots for the lower legs, gauntlets for thehandsand wrists, and greaves for the legs. Today, protection oflimbsfrom bombs is provided by a bombsuit. Most modernsoldierssacrifice limb protection for mobility, since armor thickenough tostop bullets would greatly inhibit movement of the armsandlegs.
Knights provided a kind of armor called barding for theirsteeds.This metal plate protection served a dual purpose. On theone hand,it provided practical resistance against all manner offirearms,swords, axes, maces, and the like. On the other hand, itserved anaesthetic purpose. Gilded barding announced a knightssocialposition and served as a badge of ownership. Cavalry armorfor thesteeds included helmets, back plates, and central steelpieces.

The earliest form of medieval armor mail (a.k.a. chainmail)traces its origins back to around 500 BC. The Celticpeopledeveloped this kind of armor iron rings woven together intoaprotective garment and the Roman Army later copied thisengineeringto protect its soldiers. In the early Medieval Ages,armorcraftsmen added discs, plates, and groin caps to standard mailgearto protect vulnerable areas. Leather coats, kneecaps,underarmprotectors (a.k.a. …

The medieval soldiers shield armor likewise evolved overthecourse of the centuries to respond to developments inoffensiveweaponry. In the early Middle Ages, medieval warriors usedwoodenshields covered in leather (or other soft material). Asadvancedbows and weapons made their way onto the battlefield,however, softshields proved ineffectual. Craftsmen began toincorporate iron andsteel support in shield designs.theirarmor.

The Knights In Armor Memory Game is addictive and willchallengeyour memory. Have Fun!!!

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