Lagu Natal 2017 1.2 APK

Natal (dari bahasa Portugisyangberarti"kelahiran") adalah hari raya umat Kristen yangdiperingatisetiaptahun oleh umat Kristiani pada tanggal 25Desemberuntukmemperingati hari kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Nataldirayakandalamkebaktian malam pada tanggal 24 Desember; dankebaktianpagitanggal 25 Desember. Beberapa gereja Ortodoksmerayakan Natalpadatanggal 6 Januari (lihat pula Epifani).

Dalam tradisi barat, peringatan Natal jugamengandungaspeknon-agamawi. Beberapa tradisi Natal yang berasaldari Baratantaralain adalah pohon Natal, kartu Natal, bertukarhadiah antaratemandan anggota keluarga serta kisah tentang SantaKlausatauSinterklas.

Kata “natal” berasal dari ungkapan bahasa Latin DiesNatalis(HariLahir).Dalam bahasa Inggris perayaan Natal disebutChristmas,dariistilah Inggris kuno Cristes Maesse (1038) atauCristes-messe(1131),yang berarti Misa Kristus. Christmas biasapula ditulisΧ'mas, suatupenyingkatan yang cocok dengan tradisiKristen, karenahuruf X dalambahasa Yunani merupakan singkatan dariKristus ataudalam bahasaYunani Chi-Rho.

Untuk menyambut natal dan tahun baru, makakamimengembangkansebuah aplikasi yang berisi kumpulan lagu-laguNatalyang populerbaik di Indonesia maupun Dunia, adapun lagu-lagunatalyang kamisajikan pun cukup lengkap, antara lain :

♦ Jingle Bells
♦ We Wish You Merry Christmas
♦ Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru
♦ Telah Datang
♦ Kita Rayakan Hari Natal
♦ Oh Holy Night
♦ Malam Sunyi Senyap
♦ Sebab Dia Lahir Bagi Kita
♦ Christmas is Here
♦ Angel We have heard on High
♦ Malam Kudus
♦ Gita Surga Bergema
♦ Hai Mari berhimpun
♦ The first Noel
♦ Twelve days of Christmas
♦ Oh come little children
♦ Hark the herald angels sing
♦ Natal Pertama
♦ dll

Fitur :
♦ Bisa dijadikan ringtone hp
♦ Bisa dijadikan alarm
♦ Bisa dijadikan nada notifikasi
♦ Tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet
♦ Sudah menerapkan android 7
♦ Aplikasi Gratis

Semoga dengan hadirnya aplikasi Lagu Natal 2017inibermanfaatbagi anda yang merayakan, jangan lupa ratedanreviewnya!!

Christmas(fromPortuguesemeaning "birth") is a Christian holiday whichiscelebrated annuallyby Christians on December 25 to commemoratethebirth of JesusChrist. Christmas is celebrated in theeveningservice on December24; and service in the morning ofDecember 25.Some Orthodoxchurches celebrate Christmas on 6 January(see alsoEpiphany).

In the western tradition, Christmas warningalsocontainsnon-religious aspects. Some Christmas traditions fromtheWestinclude Christmas trees, Christmas cards, exchanginggiftsbetweenfriends and family members as well as the story ofSantaClaus orSanta Claus.

The word "Christmas" comes from the LatinphraseAnniversary(Birthday) .In English Christmas celebrationcalledChristmas, fromthe old English term Cristes Maesse (1038)orCristes-messe (1131),which means Mass of Christ. Christmasusuallyalso written Χ'mas, ashortening that fits with theChristiantradition, because theletter X in Greek is an abbreviationof theChrist or the GreekChi-Rho.

To welcome Christmas and new year, we developedanapplicationthat contains a collection of Christmas songsarepopular inIndonesia and the World, while the Christmas songsthatwe serve isquite complete, among others:

♦ Jingle Bells
♦ We Wish You a Merry Christmas
♦ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
♦ Has Come
♦ We Celebrate Christmas
♦ Oh Holy Night
♦ Silent Night Silent
♦ Because He is Born for Us
♦ Christmas is Here
♦ Angel We Have Heard on High
♦ Holy Night
♦ Gita Heaven Bergema
♦ Hi Mari rally
♦ The first Noel
♦ Twelve days of Christmas
♦ Oh come little children
♦ Hark the herald angels sing
♦ First Christmas
♦ etc.

♦ Can be used as a ringtone hp
♦ Can be used as alarm
♦ Can be used as a notification tone
♦ Does not require an internet connection
♦ Already applying android 7
♦ Free Apps

Hopefully with the presence of a Christmassong2017application is beneficial for those who celebrate, donotforgetrate and the review !!

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