Live YouTube Subscriber Count 1.1.1 APK

The best YouTube statistics app available forAndroid! Fast and accurate, based on YouTube™ API.

Track and compare your YouTube accounts live statistics with ourbeautiful widget, just hold your finger on your home screen andpress Widgets to add one.

Statusbar Shortcut:
We are the only app that allows you to see your subscribers countright from the status bar quick settings (Android7.0+).

Have a goal you wish to achieve? Add an alert, set a goal, and wewill let you know when it's reached! :)

Save frequently visited channels as favourite and you will be ableto access them with one swipe from the main page.

Advanced Search:
Search works with both channel ID or username, you will also getsuggestions while typing, btw copy paste complete URLs will work aswell!

You can change the app theme between Light and Dark manually oreven let it happen automatically! Also the app will set the primarycolor to the channel's dominant color (Optional).

We currently support the following languages:
• English
• Russian
• Hebrew
• and more to come...

Built-in Feedback System:
Have an issue with the app? Suggestion for improvement? Contact usfrom the app and we promise to get back to you within 48hours.

More features coming soon!

App Information