Lock Skreen 1.2 APK

This is a wallpaper for Kustom.
If you have not installed Kustom not for you!

- Fix calendar evidence in previous month

2 pages
Perfect Kalendar komponent (open)
Monthly events (past and future, 3 for day)
Evidence Saturday, Sunday, and a day of your choice
Data navigation Komponent (set in global day and GB ofyourplan)
Lock screen (if you want to use the lock Skreen disable thelockscreen of the system)
In lock skreen 4 notifications in chronological order
In second page all notifications stacked in chronological order

It took me a long time to create this wallpaper , especiallytocreate the calendar komponent.
I left all open items. I ask only a small contribution to thework.Thanks.

If you have any problems please contact me.

This is a wallpaperforKustom.
If you have not installed Kustom not for you!

- Fix calendar evidence in previous month

2 pages
Perfect Kalendar komponent (open)
Monthly events (past and future, for 3 days)
Evidence Saturday, Sunday, and a day of your choice
Date navigation Komponent (set in the global day and GB ofyourplan)
Lock screen (if you want to use the lock Skreen disable thelockscreen of the system)
In lock Skreen 4 notifications in chronological order
In the second page to notifications stacked inchronologicalorder

It took me a long time to create this wallpaper, especiallytocreate the calendar komponent.
I left all open items. I ask only a small contribution to thework.Thanks.

If you have any problems please contact me.

App Information