Love Scanner Detector Prank 1.0 APK

It is strongly believed that the entireuniverse is composed of mathematical patterns and everything isexpressed in numeric form. The numbers communicate universalvibrations.In this form of name compatibility, the number ofoccurrence of a particular letter is taken in account for thecompatibility calculation. Each letter is arranged in a particularmanner and counted depending on the number of times itappears.Numbers express more than we generally realize, and thistool helps us understand our cosmic vibrations and gives a deeperawareness about life.

Love scanner detector the compatibility between names of twopeople.It is a form of divination technique that gives thecompatibility between names of two people.

Enjoy and fool your friends ,boyfriend/girlfriend with this funPrank app. It's designed to give you a fun time.

If you love practical jokes, you will like love calculator. Itsimulates your love percentage, making it easy for you to fooleveryone! Confuse and amaze your friends with this simulation andentertainment application.

How it works:
1.As simple as it sounds, enter the name of two person to find thelove affinity of first person to second person.

2.Tape the names and let the scanner do it's magic.

3.Use the real names, nick names or the names you are morecomfortable calling. Its a fun application.

When analysis is complete, the detector will show out your lovetest percentage on the same screen, you will know if you are alover or not.

You can try every day! Every day a new result because our moodalso varies depending on the day.

The user android interface of love scanner detector is verysimple and friendly to all users, so download it now, have fun,tell us about it.

Share it with your friends and spread fun & love in the airwith this which will make lovers laugh and feel romantic.

Remember - this app is only for entertainment purposes. Don'ttreat the results from this app too seriously - it's just for funand to cheer you up.

The lie Scanner App should be compatible with the most Androiddevice running Android 2.2 or later.

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