Love Story-Breeze of Pleasure 1.0 APK

Love Story-Breeze of Pleasure : RomanceShortStories. By: Latasha.

Mac was working on his canvas with a deep expressionofsincerity; he was busy providing the final touch to the paintinghededicated to Samreen. She was sitting on a stool in front ofhim,showing curiosity to see the picture soon. Her blonde hairswereblowing over her face making her more beautiful, as shelooks.Putting her face gently over the folded fingers on herhands,imparting a deep, emotional look to her sight, she waspretendingto smile in a simple way to make a most suitable pose forMac’spainting. As soon as the painting accomplished, Samreenrushedtowards the front side of the canvas, and felt pretty livelyindeedwith seeing herself in the picture. It was again a prettycreationfrom Mac......!

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