Lucid Dreamer APK

The first step to controlling a dream is realizing you areactuallyasleep. To help you do that, Lucid Dreamer will play aseries ofaudio and/or visual cues during your sleep cycles. Whenyou wakeup, you can record your dreams with our free, secure,PIN-protectedDream Journal. Your entries can be written or voicerecorded, canbe tagged, and you can even log technique metrics. TheJournal alsocomes with built in access to our free, onlineDreammunity systemso you can always access your dreams fromanywhere and easily sharethem if you’d like. If you want to geteven more advanced or tryadditional techniques, we’ve also builtLucid Dreamer Pro directlyinto this free version. The Unlock Allpackage can be purchased for$6.99 and includes unlimited access toall of our techniques andextra features: + Reality Checker - Stoplooking at your hand,counting your toes, or whatever habit you'vebeen trying to form.The Checker can remember to do it for you, whenconvenient for you,and then alert you by sound, vibration, or evennotification up to287 times per day. + Paralyzer - Sleep Paralysisis a state inwhich your mind is awake, but your body is completelyasleep. Thistransitional state can be used to achieve lucidity andtheParalyzer can help you enter into it. + Da Vinci – Although hardtoget used to, cycle adjustment techniques can help you be farmoreproductive throughout the day and even experience morefrequentlucid dreams. Da Vinci can help you plan, and adhere to,the bestcycles for you (default: Uberman Polyphasic Sleep Cycle). +CustomMusic Selection – Use your own audio cues, Binaural Beats, orevenrecord your own voice for use with the Dreamer. +Dreamscapes,Focalizer, Subliminator – Everything you see, hear,think about,and experience throughout the day has a direct impacton thecontents of your dreams. These pre-sleep visual augmentationstoLucid Dreamer are designed to help you focus and directthosecontents via color psychology, focal imagery, and rapidvisualstimulation. -- When you’re lucid dreaming, the only limit isyourown imagination. Carpe Noctem.

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