Mafia Game Guide 1.0 APK

This app has been developed by participantsatthe 2013 Software Development Camp, arranged by UNF (DanishYouthAssociation of Science) see more at
All teaching and development occurred over the time span ofsixdays, with most participants having little to nopreviousprogramming experience.

About this app:

To the game Werewolf comes Mafia which brings card gametoanother level. Mafia Game Guide helps the Gamemaster to keeptrackof the game, while also helping him divide roles to playersbeforethe game.

For new players, we offer a startup guide to help you getplayingright away.

The point of this MGG is to help the gamemaster to keep trackofthe game, players, status etc. MGG also gives the ability tonewplayers to easly join a game for the first time and playequallywith the others, by reading our excellent start guide. Proplayersget the ability to scramble roles and play a morecustomizedgame.

It is our goal to help you have a better gaming experience,whileplaying Mafia.

Special thanks to:
Christian Nellemose Petersen - Music theme, and customimagebackground and icons.
All the people from SDC.UNF - Helping, being awesome andmore...

App Information