Magilla 1.0.4 APK

Magilla Loans is an online lending exchangefor business and home loans that connects borrowers to bankswithout requesting any personal information, except an emailaddress. The service is free, easy, and anonymous. Magilla neverrequests private information: no social security number, creditcheck, or bank statements are ever required. After answering ahandful of questions, a borrower can receive multiple loanproposals from FDIC-insured banks within a few hours. The loanproposals are presented on our patented MagChart™ — which enables aborrower to easily compare them.

How Magilla works:

1. Answer a handful of basic questions and hit submit
2. Your loan request goes to multiple FDIC-insured lenders
3. The lenders send back proposals
4. You review your loan proposals on our easy-to-read MagChart™

Benefits of using the Magilla App:

- Borrowers: The Magilla App will enable you to easily submitloans, communicate with lenders, and conveniently access your loanchecklist at any time. What used to take three months now takesthree hours.

- Lenders: Qualified borrowers are delivered to your handhelddevice as soon as they enter the system. You can engage borrowersin real time using MagChat™ in order to obtain greater specificityabout their request.

Magilla’s key features include:

- Fast: Loan proposals are typically delivered within a fewhours
Anonymous: No name, social security number, or phone numberrequired
- Free: Borrowers never pay any fees
- Safe: No social security number, credit check, or bank statementsare ever required
- Simple: After answering only a handful of questions, borrowersreceive multiple loan proposals within hours
- Authentic: Receive real loan proposals from real FDIC-insuredlenders, not automated lenders
- Time-savings: The quick loan submission process saves time. Whatused to take three months now takes three hours

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