Marmara 2016 3.3.6 APK

The ISAF, considered as the flagship ofMarmaraFair, is an exhibition organized since the establishment ofthecompany and therefore mostly associated with the brand ofMarmaraFair. ISAF that was first held in Ankara in 2000 has beenheld alsoin Istanbul since 2007. ISAF which was held semi-annuallybetween2007 and 2009 was held 19 times, 10 times in Ankara and 9times inIstanbul. ISAF that is going to be held for the 20th timebetweenSeptember 29th - October 2nd, 2012 so as to cover 5exhibitions from2015 on:

ISAF SECURITY EXHIBITION – 20th International Security andRFIDExhibition
ISAF IT SECURITY EXHIBITION – 5th International InformationandNetwork Security Exhibition
ISAF SMART HOME EXHIBITION – 5th International Smart Buildings&Building Automation Exhibition
edited included to 3 fairs.

In the first years of its organization, the Fire, Emergency&Rescue Exhibition which has been realized with the ISAF sinceitsbeginning, and the Occupational Safety and Health Exhibitionfirstorganized in 2012; have been separated from the ISAF andnoworganized under a new title, SHF, and at new dates since 2015.Inthe year 2016, SHF will be organized with

FIRE&RESCUE EXHIBITION - 20th International Fire,Emergency& Rescue Exhibition
SAFETY&HEALTH EXHIBITION - 5th International OccupationalSafetyand Health Exhibition
on 22nd-25th September.

LED Exhibition which has been held in Istanbul since was heldinboth Ankara and Istanbul in the 2007-2008. LED Exhibition whichwasheld 11 times, 2 times in Ankara and 9 times in Istanbul, hasbeenheld with the title, Led&Lighting Exhibition since2011.

ELEX Exhibition and ELECTRONIST Exhibition that started tobeheld in 2012 are the first exhibitions to be held within thisscopein Turkiye.

in 2016;

LED&LIGHTING EXHIBITION - 12th International LED andLightingExhibition - 6th-9th October
ELECTRONIST EXHIBITION - 5th International ElectronicComponents,Power Supplies Exhibition - 6th-9th October
in 2017;

ELEX EXHIBITION - 5th International ElectricityMaterials,Transmission & Distribution Exhibition- 2017
will be realized at the Istanbul Expo Center (IFM) in Yesilköy,hall9-10-11.

ELECTRONIST Exhibition where the companies whichmanufacture,sell or distribute any kind of products, sub- industryproducts,components or semi-finished products that are required forthecompletion of an electronic system will exhibit theirproducts,services and applications, briefly defined as the"ElectronicsSub-Industry Exhibition" is one of the few specialexhibitionsfeaturing this aspect around the world. Targeting visitsby mostlythose who are manufacturers and those who manufacture viausingthese products, Electronist Exhibition attracts the attentionofvery important foreign buyers as well as domestic andforeignvisitors. The proportion of the visitors coming from abroadtoElectronist Exhibition in 2014 reached notably high numbers.

ELEX is an exhibition that concentrates on a specific fieldwhereall the products that are used in every stage from thegeneration ofelectricity until it reaches the panels in ourbuildings includingthe panels themselves are exhibited.

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