Master Bathroom Decorating 1.1 APK

Are you looking for the perfect decoratingideas for your master bathroom? Look no further! Use these tips andtechniques for creating the ultimate master bathroom space for yourhome. By using these ideas and strategies for creating a masterbathroom, you can easily design an affordable and adorable masterbathroom space that's a perfect fit for you master bedroom.

Needs and Wants

Deciding upon what you need and what you want, can help you get themost out of your bathroom design ideas. Sit down with whoever isgoing to share your bathroom space and create a list of what youneed and what you want. Double vanities, rain shower faucets andlighted makeup mirrors are all important items to consider whencreating a needs and want list for your master bathroom. A needsand want list can also help you to create the next phase of masterbathroom design-the cost breakdown list.

Cost Breakdown List

Creating a cost breakdown list is critical to most major decoratingideas. A cost breakdown list consists of materials, labor andscheduling times to help keep track of all of the items that gointo your ultimate master bathroom design. From fabrics to paintsto fixtures to faucets, a cost breakdown list itemizes your plan,allowing you to easily shift unwanted items around easily andreplace them with similar priced options for the perfect bathroombudget every time. A cost breakdown list can also help keep trackof your sweat equity or subcontractor labor pricing, ensuring youkeep your bathroom design ideas under budget.


Creating a blueprint of your design ideas can really help you getthe most out of your project without spending a dime. Whether youdraw your own sketch by hand or you use a computer program to dothe work for you, a blueprint can help you to define the space longbefore you start painting walls or installing fixtures. It's a goodidea to create several copies of your existing layout first. Thisway, you can add or subtract design themes and options from severaldifferent designs, allowing you to get the best design themepossible.


Lights play an important role in defining the master bathroomspace. From lighted makeup mirrors to overhead recessed shower canlights, bathroom lighting options are a must have in all bathroomdesigns. It's a good idea to create a blueprint for your lightingdesign that can easily be transferred to your master bathroomblueprint. This way, you can easily move around lighting fixturesor design options to suit your needs and tastes; and all on paperfirst.

Decorating a master bathroom can be a lot of fun and a lot of work.Some of the best ideas to decorate your bathroom are often thesimple ideas. Trying to decide how to design the bathroom can bedifficult for some, so I've created this guide to help give yousome ideas.

Some of the things to consider when designing your master bathroominclude what color paints to use, what type of fixtures to go withand what type of décor fixtures will you include? In order tocreate a bathroom that you're in love with, you must consider thesefactors amongst others.

Lighting is a key component in any house, specifically in thebathroom. Proper lighting will create a bright feel and it willenhance the look of the bathroom. The lighter the bathroom, themore open it will feel.

There are some great ways to add light into the bathroom if you'renot getting enough in there already. Recessed lighting is one ofthe most common ways to provide more light without taking up space.They're most commonly found in the ceiling and in the walls.Another great way to make the room feel brighter is by adding moremirrors. Mirrors will reflect the light throughout the room.

Choosing the right appliances and fixtures for the bathroom iscrucial. For your master bathroom, you should be able to chooselarger appliances and fixtures. With larger appliances, yourbathroom will feel grander and it will be more comfortable.

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