MAU - Make America United 1.0.2 APK

Mau App – Connect with people whohavedifferent political preferences from you

When you log in to the app it shows you 2 circles of users

1> People connected to the same Wi-Fi as you are
2> People in a 20 mile radius around you. It useslocationservices to show this.

You can see which users are Republicans and which areDemocrats.The idea is that you should reach out to someone on theoppositeside of the political spectrum and start a conversationwith them.This is what will heal the country - if people haveconversationswith others. Our mission is that democrats andrebulicans starttalking to each other and respect the other side'spoint of view.They should have a healthy debate. All discussionsshould not beTrump Vs Hillary - they should support the otherside's good ideasand oppose things which don't make sense.

You can network with these people at hotels, airports,events,stadiums, colleges, malls and other public places. Orsomeonenearby who is just looking out for help.

Using location services will increase battery usage.

We're always excited to hear from you! If you have anyfeedback,questions, or concerns, please email us at:

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