MD Series: Anemia - Free 1.0 APK

Approach to Anemia in the Adult Patient – Free

An expansive diagnostic and educational tool for managinganemia

“Medicine is learned by the bedside and not in the classroom.Let not your conceptions of disease come from words heard in thelecture room or read from the book. See, and then reason andcompare and control. But see first.” – Sir William Osler M.D.

Great clinicians like Osler knew the importance of a thoroughhistory and physical. To be a master diagnostician, one also needsto know how to accurately distinguish the intricacies ofdifferential diagnoses. The MD series aims at doing just that. And,with this tool, learning at the bedside just became easier.

The first release of the Master Diagnostician Series,“Approach to Anemia in the Adult Patient,” is a complex andcomprehensive educational tool for differentiating the many causesof anemia. It is a convenient, point-of-care reference thatincludes an algorithm to help rapidly discriminate between manydiseases and conditions, seen through the eyes of a hematologist.Perfect for any practicing medical student, resident, NP, PA, orattending who wishes to improve their clinical acumen.

-Allows the user to approach anemia, one of the most commonhospital diagnoses, through the point-of-view of ahematologist
-Efficient interface improves learning at the bedside and savestime on rounds
-Effectively start the anemia workup before a hematologyconsult

- Algorithm delineating over 35 causes of anemia
- Index, both alphabetical and by red cell morphology
- Reticulocyte Production Index (RPI) Calculator
- Unique RPI Estimate for rapid use of the algorithm
- Descriptions of corresponding peripheral blood smears

- Clinical pearls regarding workup and treatment of the manydiagnoses

Free version contains advertisements. Paid version contains noadvertisements.

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