Meditation Mind Machine PRO II APK

** PAID Version All Features Enabled **

Meditation Mind Machine takes your Meditation Experience to anew level by using Subliminal Technology with Binaural Beats andBrain Wave Entrainment. Try the Mind Machine for a deepermeditation and to help grow in mindfulness practices. OvercomeAnxiety, Sleep Better, work towards your enlightenment.

This app contains both Free and Paid Features in each categorybelow:

☛ Binaural Beat Brain Wave & Solfeggio Meditation Tracks(Meditate, Sleep, Hypnosis)
☛ Meditation Timer from 1 minute to 24 hours
☛ Light and Sound Mind Machine with 8 Chakra Colors!
☛ Powerful Subliminal Affirmations (Confidence, Health, Wealth,Happiness)
☛ Classical Music with Subliminal Suggestions

There are great programs that help guide a person in meditationincluding Oprah & Deepak 21 Day Meditation Experience,Headspace, and others. Beyond Mediation is different, it usestechnology to help your mind reach a meditate brain wave state withBinaural Beats, Mind Machine, and healing Subliminal vocals.


☛ Delta Sleep (FREE): A Deep Sleep Track with Delta Waves usingBinaural Beats in the 1Hz- 3.5Hz range that entrains your braininto a deep meditative state. .

☛ Pink Noise (FREE): Softer than White Noise, Pink Noise is agreat way to block outside noise. A great sound to use to helpbabies sleep.

☛ Rain and Ocean Wave Tracks (FREE)

☛ Theta Meditation I (FREE), II & III: Deep Mediation Trackwith Theta Waves &Binaural Beats in the 5Hz- 7Hz range thatentrains your brain into a meditative state. Theta waves helpalleviate anxiety.

☛ 432Hz Verdi Meditation: Known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternativetuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Musicbased on 432Hz transmits healing energy, because it is a pure toneof math fundamental to nature.


Solfeggio Frequency Meditation Tracks:

The Solfeggio sound healing frequencies are believed to havemany psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical healingbenefits.

☛ 396Hz (FREE): Liberating Guilt and Fear
☛ 417Hz: Resolving Past Trauma and Facilitating Change
☛ 528Hz: Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
☛ 639Hz: Harmonizing Relationships
☛ 741Hz: Communication & Expression
☛ 852Hz: Awakening Intuition


Subliminal recordings bypass, your conscious mind, goingdirectly to your sub-conscious mind, where deep and lasting changescan be made in the area of thinking, emotions, and how we viewlife.

Subliminal Categories:

☛ Abundance & Wealth
☛ Health & Healing (FREE)
☛ Joy & Happiness
☛ Self Confidence
☛ Florence Scovel Shinn
☛ Émile Coué

Listen to all the words of any of these Subliminal Tracks to beaware of what is being said during a Subliminal Meditation Session.The volume of the Subliminal Track can be adjusted to an levelbelow the conscious mind, or at full volume too for anon-subliminal session.


Light and Sound Machines have been used for decades to improveAcademic Performance. Light and Sound Machines have also beenscientifically proven in reducing the symptoms of Stress andAnxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Chronic Pain andFibromyalgia, and other issues.

Light and Sounds Machine Glasses typically have one visualcolor. This app has 8 visual colors, all Chakra Colors, and RandomSettings! You will not find these features in any mind machine thatcosts hundreds of dollars.

Use this feature with Google Cardboard or VR a Viewer.

☛ Soft White Color (FREE)
☛ Random Colors
☛ Seven Chakra Colors
☛ Each Visual Program is Random. This keeps meditation sessionsfresh
☛ Light Frequency matches the range of the sound frequencies
☛ Use with Google Cardboard with your eyes closed


Classical Subliminal Music (Free basic features) (Chopin,Beethoven, Léo Delibes) is a Powerful way to use SubliminalRecordings for personal growth during the day.

App Information