Message Encrypter/Decrypter 1.0 APK

A simple Encrypter/Decrypter using AES encryption algorithmstosafely keep any hidden messages from anyone that does not knowthepassword the message was encrypted with. The encryption willtakeover a lifetime to break depending on the password used, sothereis no way anyone who doesn't know the password who readstheencrypted message will be able to figure out the real message.Touse, simply click "Encrypt" then put in whatever message you'dlikeencrypted. Once you hit the "Encrypt" button again, it will askyoufor a password. You must remember this password and somehow giveitto whoever will decrypt the message. Once you input yourpassword,it will automatically copy the encrypted text to yourclipboard topaste over to whoever you are trying to send themessage to. Todecrypt, simply hit the "Decrypt" button and it willautomaticallypaste whatever is in your clipboard. If it did notpaste theencrypted text, you need to copy the encrypted text andthen pasteit in yourself by holding your finger down on the text tocopy itand then on the text box to paste it. Then hit "Decrypt"again andit will ask you for the password that was used. If you putin thecorrect password (It's case sensitive!) then the originalmessagewill appear.

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