Mineral Collector 1.0.33 APK

The Mineral Collector application allows youto track and document your field work incorporating images, video,audio recordings, and/or text. It also allows you to track (withGPS) your path and enables the data to be synchronized to ourwebsite, edit, and/or share your work with others.You can alsoallow colleagues to view your work during or after your field tripby sharing it through your website, social networks, e-mail, etc.Once the collecting is uploaded to your website, you can edit thedata, create reports and/or maps, and download the data or reportsto spreadsheets or other documents. (You do not need to have accessto the internet to run the application). Give it a try, it is free.Once your collecting is completed, you can automatically create apowerpoint or video of the sampling.


Track unlimited GPS paths within each sampling program and haveeach track/path displayed on a map in different colors.

Create events during your field work documenting sample sites,outcrops, structures, formations, etc. or even the hotel or camparea where you stayed. Each event is marked along your GPS track(s)with a numbered pin on Google maps allowing instant access to themedia you captured at each site.

When an event is created it automatically documents thelongitude, latitude, altitude, time, and date with instant accessto the smartphone camera, audio recorder, notes, and a theodolitetool (for calculating distances to or elevation of objects) tofurther document the event.

The application has a strike and dip tool built into it to allowyou to measure planar and linear features.

Each event comes with formatted fields to record a descriptionof the event, detailed notes, mineral type, mineral age if known,(or choose the age of the formation from a drop down list of thegeologic time scale), sample weight, temperature, and pressure.Specific fields can be hidden and an unlimited number of additionalfields can be added.

Additional fields allow you to document mineral characteristicssuch as hardness, crystal system, cleavage, luster, color, streak,etc.

Share your collecting while you are in field instantaneouslywith colleagues or other samplers with the ability to post all yourGPS tracks and media on any of an almost unlimited number of socialwebsites or communicate information via e-mail, Skype, and other IMsystems.

Create your own free website to share your sampling with othersin real time. The website includes a gallery of your videos andimages along with standard Google maps with tracks and pinsrepresenting events.

Don't worry about the loss of any media, data, or notes. Themineral collector application automatically synchronizes your datain the background in our database and, if desired, your website,effectively backing up your data for later use.

Once you return from your collecting, the data can be downloadedto a spreadsheet, powerpoint, or other documents. You can alsoextensively filter the information to hone in on certain aspects ofyour field work. Our reports section of the website allows you tocreate specialized documents and graphs from the filtered data. Youcan also upload data once you return such as geochemical data ifthe minerals are analyzed.

If others are sampling with you, they can add their own events,media and data, through their smartphones or tablets, to each eventif you choose to share your username with them. All smartphones andtablets will be instantaneously updated with the shared informationthrough the application and include all the collected informationon your website. Or each individual on the field trip can createtheir own account and website on MajorForms to document the workthemselves.

Make your own sampling video or powerpoint presentationautomatically once you return to share with colleagues or forpresentations. With one click, the videos, maps are integrated intoa video timeline or a powerpoint presentation.

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