Miss No Road Assistant 1.0 APK

A pretty girl called Miss No is ready toassistyou in all kinds of outdoor activities! With the help ofMiss No youand your beloved family members will be never lost.Miss No providesmuch more than a conventional map system or anyother navigationtool. She can assist you in trip navigating, routerecording, regiontracking, place management, social networking andevent keeping.

You come to the Main Screen when Miss No starts. The screenworkswith Google Map. You can move the map to any location andzoom themap. There are a number of menus and buttons you canchoose: find,manage and share places, schedule and monitorrecording, setup andreview tracking, start navigation undercontrol, modify preferenceand seek for help.

When you select Navigate menu, Miss No takes you toNavigateScreen which is a live GPS system with Map. The middlepoint ofthis screen is your current position. The map moves whenyou walk.A series of arrows indicate the route you are passingwhile apin-point presents the destination you should approach. Youcanload a previous route for the guidance of the current trip. Youcanbe alarmed when you walk away from that route. Upon completionofyour trip, you can store the route to SD card of yoursmartphoneand send the route to friends.

You can store any location in the map or any place youarevisiting under a selected group, such as Parking, Hiking,Fishingor Appointment. You can setup a notification when thelocation isdue or expired after a period. You or your friends willthen bereminded when the event is due. You can take a photo withtheintegrated camera for that place. Miss No can bring youquicklyback to a previously visited place. You will never wastetime tofind where your car parked. You can email a place to yourfriendswith the photo in the attachment, if you like to recommendthesightseeing or want him/her to pick the parked car for you.Allstored places can be loaded and used as destination of yourjourneyin Navigating Screen.

When you select Setup Recording menu, you can schedulearecording by specifying the start time, the end time andtheinterval for recording. There are two ways to view and analyzetherecorded route: with or without Animation. Without Animation,MissNo shows the route on the top of the map with series of arrowsandred marks. With Animation the recorded route is shown inRoutePlayer. You can pause, resume and rewind the recording. Youcanalso use Previous/Next button to analyze the route point bypoint.After the review you can decide whether to save the recordeddatato SD card. You can consider sending the route to a fried, adoctoror a researcher. You can replay a stored route or a routefrom yourfriend any time later.

When you select Setup Tracking menu, you can create a plantoprotect your family members from regions of dangers. You needtosetup two things: the region of danger and the alert contact.MissNo lets you work with 3 levels of alerts: Remind, WarningandAlarm. Each level can have any number of regions andcontacts.Enter region and Leave region are distinguished. WithEnter region,the alerts are sent when the phone holder cross theboundary toenter the region. With Leave region, the alerts are sentwhen theperson is leaving the region. You can specify the regionsbydrawing rectangle, ellipse or polygon using drawing tools byMissNo. An Enter region appears as a solid shape while a Leaveregionis hollow. The color for Remind region is green, Waningyellow andAlarm red. For alert contacts, you can use a combinationofoptions: phone call, text message, email, ringtone orvibration.You can choose the number and the interval of repeatedalerts, whenthe person continues to stay in the region of danger.In fact youalso can use the feature to against theft. You can setupso thatyou get alarmed when your car is moving out of a circle.

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