MLM Survey for Lead Generation 2.5 APK

MLM Prospecting Survey will help you findunlimited interested prospects and leads, at ZERO cost to you.

You need to be willing to step out of your comfort zone, butusing this app will help you sift through regular people on thestreet to find the ones that may be qualified for your MLMbusiness.

Its like generating leads for free! Who can't benefit from FreeLeads!

No cost Lead Generation for MLM Leads, Finally!

It all starts with, "Excuse me Sir/Madame, do you have 60Seconds to answer a few questions?"

This application comes from the personal experience of DennisWilson who built a few large MLM organizations before ending up inthe MLM Software and Auto Prospecting System business as a partnerin Consulting Ltd.

The instructions are based upon REAL Life experience and doingthis survey for an entire summer from 7:30am to 9:00am in themorning Monday to Friday, June to September on the busiest streetcorners in Vancouver, BC, Canada. He saw his income go from almostnothing to around $10,000 a month in this period using this surveytechnique.

Here are some hard earned lessons:

DO NOT say “Do you have a minute”, say it as it reads, you willhave 90% less agree to take your survey if you say a minute vs. 60seconds. Nobody believes a minute is a minute!

Do NOT break your 60 second promise. Do NOT get chatty. Do thesurvey, set the appointment, MOVE on! Book more meetings if youdon’t dilly dally talking to people who are interested.

DO go to the street corner that is busiest in your city wearinga Suit and Tie or appropriate female business attire. Golf shirtand Dress slacks reduced the number of folks agreeing to besurveyed by 50%. YES we tried and tested it as Suits are horribleon a HOT day, BUT they WORK better!

DO go in pairs whenever possible and stand one on each side ofthe sidewalk directly opposing each other. If the Street sideperson can have a car parked behind them, EVEN better. Making folksrun the gauntlet increases your survey count dramatically.

Women ALWAYS book more appointments then Men!! Sorry guys, uglyreality. Best is a woman and a man pair!

DO repeat the same street corner for AT LEAST 5 consecutive days,preferably 2 weeks. Many will finally stop saying, “Ok, just whatis this all about you guys have been here for a week now, I justhave to know!”

DO stay off private property as the security guards WILL comeand complain if your heels are on a big office towersproperty!

DO check your local laws to make sure you are not breaking any.

DO NOT take product or samples while doing the survey

DO NOT give any information about the company or products whenbooking the appointment, just keep saying you have to get as manysurveys as you can done, and you will answer ALL their questions atthe meeting.

DO NOT run OVERTIME on your meeting, you promised an HOUR. Nomatter how interested they seem and how much they want to linger,tell them after 45 min you have to get ready to go as you haveanother appointment coming in 15 min.

DO always do a Balanced Professional Business Presentation,showing a little pain about the state of the world and averagepeoples income and life experience, your company, the MLM industry,your products, your compensation plan, AND leverage! Your companyshould have an approved presentation for this purpose to use.

Do try do book a presentation whether 2 on 1 (BRING YOUR UPLINE)OR Hotel or Group Presentation vs. sending them to a website orsome other “simpler” way of doing business. You will be rewardedhandsomely for doing this business in a proper relationship formingmanner as your Competitors are NOT.

It is NOT recommended to have your 2 on 1 become a 2 on 2 or 2on 3. Our experience was due to the cold market nature of thepeople you are presenting to, one bad apple could turn off therest. ONLY if booking them to a formal Hotel presentation shouldyou group them together, and in that case, the more themerrier!

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