Mod Sword Pedestal 1.0 APK

Mod Sword Pedestal adds two new blocks(oractually entities) to the game which can be used as sworddisplaystands. It’s similar to the Armor Stand Mod, except thatthis oneis used for keeping your swords instead of yourarmor.

How does it work?

The pedestals can either be obtained through the creativeinventoryor by crafting them in-game. Currently it’s slightlybugged insurvival mode (e.g., it’s impossible to retrieve a placedsword andthe fact that they won’t save on exit) but hopefully thatwill befixed within a day or so.

Pedestal (200) – 1 iron ingot + 3 stone slabs
Cobblestone Pedestal (201) – 1 gold ingot + 3cobblestoneslabs
Once you’ve placed down a pedestal on the ground you can add anyofthe following items to be displayed on the pedestal: woodensword,stone sword, golden sword, iron sword or diamond sword. Tapon thepedestal again to retrieve the item (but as mentioned,that’scurrently bugged in survival mode).

App Information