Motion Planet 1.2 APK

This application simulates the motion ofcelestial objects under the force of their gravity. Motion Planetcomputes the trajectories of the objects by implementing the fourthorder Runge-Kutta numerical method. The app models our solar systembased on true data obtained from NASA on January 1st 2008.

The app has the following features:

> Simulation and Graphics:
Allows the user to add celestial objects with different masses atany position he/she likes. The user can set the initial velocity ofthe body by flicking his/her finger on the screen.

Ability to change the time-step, thereby allowing the user tovary the accuracy and speed of the simulation.

Option to add and simulate objects in our own solar system, orto create an entirely new solar system from scratch.

Contains zooming and panning controls for the simulationview.

> Solar System Information
Users can view the following data of the Sun, the 8 planets and theMoon:
Physical characteristics : Mass, Radius, Escape velocity etc.
Orbital characteristics : Aphelion, Perihelion, Orbital peridetc.
Atmospheric data : Surface pressure and composition.

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