MTSE 6th-Semi 2.0 APK

Manthan Online Talent Search Examination

In order to introduce students to online (computerized)testpreparation at primary level with consideration aboutcumulativechanges in the pattern of`competitive examinations infuture.

Depends on Pre. MTSE / MTSE / Scholarship exam syllabusrespectedwith standard & Medium

Nature of Online exam:
Before final online exam each student will get 15 practiceonlinetest for practice. Necessary license key will be providing bySMSto parents & teachers with this students unlockpracticetest.

1.Offline App

2. Accurate scoring with full analysis.

3.Unbiased scoring, increased efficiency & improvedtestscrutiny.

4.Enhanced motivation & better item selection routines.

5.Certificate for all participant students

Final Exam Pattern:
Final online exam will be arranged at web cafe / Internetcentreunder supervision of centre coordinator for urban & ruralplacestudents. Each standard contains 50 online questions withdurationof 1 hour. Questions will be randomly generated fromManthanPublications question bank.

Students will be honoured who got 85% or above marks with prize & memento.

App Information