Muglan 1.1.5 APK

स्वरोजगार नहुँदा लाखौं उर्जावान जनशक्ति विदेशीनु परिरहेको छ ।अधिकांश परिवार बैदेशिक रोजगारीमै आश्रित हुनुपरेको छ । यही सत्यमाझविदेशमा मजदुरी गर्न गएका लाखौं नेपाली जनशक्तिले कमाएर पठाएकोरेमिटान्सले देश धानेको छ । बिडम्बना, देशको अर्थतन्त्र धान्नेहरुमाथिअझैपनि पर्याप्त ध्यान पुग्न सकेको छैन । कयौंले राम्रै प्रगति गरेकाछन् । जेथा बेचेर कमाउन परदेश मुगलान गएकाहरु कयौं व्यथा बोकेरफर्कीएका छन् । कतिपय समस्यामा पर्ने गरेका छन् । यही बाध्यताबीचबैदेशिक रोजगारीमा रहेका लाखौं नेपाली, उनीहरुप्रति माया र चासोराख्ने लगायत सबैप्रति लक्षित गर्दै ‘मोबाईल हेल्प डेस्क’ का रुपमा योएपको निर्माण गरिएको हो । बैदेशिक रोजगारीमा रहेका नेपालीमाथि आउनेविभिन्न समस्याहरुलाई बढ्दो सूचना–प्रविधिको अनुपम उपयोग गर्दै सूचना,सल्लाह र सहयोग गर्नु हाम्रो उद्देश्य हो । लक्षित नेपालीमाझ सूचनाएवं जानकारी प्रदान गर्नुमात्र नभई सरोकारवालाहरुसँग समन्वय गरिसमस्याको समाधान खोज्नु पनि मुगलानको काम हो । Muglan is a mobilehelp desk for migrant Nepali workers which is developed for therights of migrant workers. This is ideated by experts and socialworkers in migrant rights sectors. This application is meant toconnect Nepali migrants in trouble to official authorities and NGOsthrough smartphones online and offline. The helpline numbers can beaccessed and able to call to the NGOs and embassies. The mainfeature of this mobile app is that collecting queries, complaintsand providing valuable assistance. Muglan provides a counselingservice and facility to send text and audio message to an emergencysituation by using 'red floating button' on app. Users can sendtheir own stories, we can help by sharing all the stories. This appis very useful for those who are residing in Nepal, Qatar,Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, UAE (United Arab Emirates) Oman, Kuwait,Bahrain, Israel, Lebanon & South Korea. This is also providesthe service information of Nepalese embassies/ missions arround theworld. We hope this would assist in solving the problems (distress)facing by the Nepali workers and foreign employment sector. Thisapps include : - How to avoid becoming a victim of humantraficking, immigration fraud, such as false permises and documentfraud. - Tips for new Nepali migrants to abroad. - Tips onadjusting newlife in destination countries. - Useful advicesregarding living and working etc. - Collecting queries, complaintsof Nepali workers and forward to embassies, NGOs. - More than 40helpline numbers of Nepali mission/embassies, Labour department,Labour ministries, NGOs. - Daily push notification about Updates ofconsular service, notcie. - Daily Push notification about healthtips. - Local emmergency numbers (Police, Ambulance, Rescue) -Location Map of Embassies, Organizations. - Helpful Organizationslisting & business listing - Latest news (Breaking news) andinformations about migrant, Labour Law of destination countries,foreign employment and many more. - Daily horoscope (Rasifal),Forex, currency converter, Gold & Silver rate, Events, calendar(patro), dictionary ( language education) etc.

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