muslim women dress 1.0 APK

Samada in mahupun traveler atmosphere is notthe traveler. Customs of the archipelago melihatkan women alwaysand only always wears a set of white cloth that was held astelekung whenever they bersolat sehinggakan telekung consideredTHAT it is a type of clothing that is compulsory for a woman toestablish prayer. Insha-Allah in this conversation will dihuraikanterms, True prayer clothing for women and other things related toher. This discussion will bring the expected benefits ifunintentionally emergence atmosphere him.
The type of clothing worn anchoring let loose and do not descry thewoman's physique, though he felt his body has no shape. It can beunderstood also by the above paragraph that prohibits women showingtheir bodies body jewelry. There are two types of jewelry, originaljewelry that is his body and the second is additional jewelry suchas chains, bracelets and so on. Both these should not be disclosedto the public, except to her husband and some family membersterdekatCara best to protect the original body weight jewelery isto wear loose clothing and landing, and this is something that wasagreed without hesitation. Among the demands of matching is wearingclothes that do not lime to reveal the color or shade of the bodyweight in otherwise. This also includes demands close femalegenitalia.
Instead of the two described above, namely terms of clothing andclothing types, can we know THAT clothes should be worn by a womanwhen it is prayer or outside prayer is something that can closethemselves from head to to toe except the face and hands from wristto fingertips -finger. Besides the clothes and let loose anchoring,not revealing body shape or shade or color on the reverse. Thuswhat our other clothes that can fulfill these requirements may beused for the purpose of establishing the prayer and the dailyaffairs outside the home. Telekung are always worn by Muslim womenin this archipelago is very good because he kept all theserequirements but need to know THAT telekung not the only sake onlymay be used for bersolat. In other words erties, telekung prayer isnot a mandatory requirement.
One option is to pluralize shari'ah allowed the prayer ifdijangkakan THAT in the future he berkebolehan to implement it withqualified solatnya perfect outfit. Between prayer Zohor and Asar,or between Maghrib prayer and I'syak may be established in one timeif there is trouble is, though not in a state of the traveler. Forexample someone who does not have clothes that fulfill therequirements for Zohor prayer and dijangkanya be sure that he wasable to fulfill the Asr time later it is advisable that he set up ajoint prayer Zohornya Asr prayer in Asar time later based kaedahplural takhir. Next issue is - what should be done when it was timefor Asr prayer and he still can not fulfill the requirements ofclothing required, or for the dawn prayer that sememangnya shouldnot be dijamak

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