My Daily Buddhist Reflections Peacock APK

This is by far the simplestapplicationcompleted by AngelRay Software, and the one we are mostproud of.Its simplicity is a thing of beauty. Inspired by easternphilosophyand religion, My Daily Reflections enables users to trulyreflecton their lives every single day, even if for a moment.

The purpose is to make one or more affirmations orcommitmentsfor your upcoming day. You can spend one minute on thisor thirty,it is up to you. At the end of the day, go to thereflectionssettings to view your goals and/or affirmations and thenreflectupon them. Did you achieve them? Did you lose sight of orforgetabout any of them? Why? This is a practice recommended by theDalaiLama, now on Android.

From "I will try to better my relationship with my employees",to"I will not think of myself as worthless; I am unique,important,and beautiful", this application gives users a simpleway to stopand remember. Go back and review past reflections andsee how youhave grown from this very simple practice.

This application does not sort reflections by date, but bytheday of your life. What were you think about on the 11,200th dayofyour life? That was or will be an important moment, as theyallare. Acknowledge each day and live in it rather than getthroughit.

For just a moment, stay in that moment. See what you learn.

I hope you like the app. It isn't fancy. It may have somebugs,please let us know. If one individual makes a personalconnectionwith their own thoughts with the help of this app, I willconsiderit worth more money than Reba has.

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