Mysterious Affair at Styles 1.0 APK

The "Mysterious Affair at Styles" Android Audio Book App!

The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie

The Mysterious Affair at Styles is a detective novel byAgathaChristie. It was written in the middle of World War I, in1916, andfirst published by John Lane in the United States inOctober 1920and in the United Kingdom by The Bodley Head (JohnLane's UKcompany) on 21 January 1921. The U.S. edition retailed atUS$2.00and the UK edition at seven shillings and sixpence(7/6).
Styles was Christie's first published novel, introducingHerculePoirot, Inspector (later, Chief Inspector) Japp, andArthurHastings (Lieutenant and later, Captain). Poirot is describedas "adear little man", "an extraordinary looking little man" anda"quaint dandyfied little man". The story is told in first personbyHastings and features many of the elements that have becomeiconsof the Golden Age of Detective Fiction, largely due toChristie'sinfluence. It is set in a large, isolated country manor.There area half-dozen suspects, most of whom are hiding factsaboutthemselves. The book includes maps of the house, the murderscene,and a drawing of a fragment of a will, as well as a number ofredherrings and surprise plot twists.
Christie dedicated this first book of her career "to my mother"–Clarissa ("Clara") Boehmer Miller – with whom she had developedavery close relationship, especially after the death of herfather,Frederick Miller, in 1901. (Wikipedia)

The Android App "Mysterious Affair at Styles Audio Book" is afullfeatured media player with:

  • Selectable Table of Contents to allow to jump to the startofany of the chapters.
  • Adjustable Progress Bar to allow to jump to any spot inthecurrent playing chapter
  • Previous Chapter Button
  • Rewind Button
  • Play / Pause Button
  • Fast Forward Button
  • Next Chapter Button

    The "Mysterious Affair at Styles Audio Book" App will not useupyour data plan's minutes by downloading the audio files (mp3)overand over. You will download load all the data when you installtheApp. The "Mysterious Affair at Styles Audio Book" App works eveninairplane mode and in places without Wi-Fi or phone networkaccess!So you can listen to your audio book anywhere anytime!The"Mysterious Affair at Styles Audio Book" App automaticallypauseswhen you make or receive a phone call and automaticallyresumesafter the call ends. The "Mysterious Affair at Styles AudioBook"App will continue to play until you exit the App or pausethereading so it is perfect for listening in bed, at the gym, orwhiledriving into work.

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