Natural World - 100Q Quiz 1.1 APK

You’ve most likely heard about the SaharaDesert. Or that Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.You would also have known about the Japanese earthquake/tsunami.And the Icelandic volcano may even have affected you.

So how much do you know about your natural world?

Have a go at answering our carefully selected questions. If youdo well, you will have proven how good you are at mastering yourworld. But if you do poorly, then watch out! Volcanoes cause ashclouds, which could interrupt flights. So don’t book that Europeanholiday when the Icelandic volcanoes are spewing; you doughnut!

As with all our quizzes, we do not want to bore you withzillions of questions. Instead, each quiz is just 100 questions ona particular topic, packaged in a neat app.

We like to call it the ‘Disposable Quiz’ package.

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Yours sincerely

Chief Quizmaster

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