Newspaper Recycle Craft 1.0 APK

Handmade articles made out fromrecycledmaterials have always been a part of home decor sinceancienttimes. Interior decoration has become a part and parcel ofeveryhousehold that adds to the beauty and aesthetic value of eachandevery house. With a little effort and a creative touch, yourhousecould become one of the most pleasant abode that gives youarelaxed feel once you reach home from the hardships oftheday.

Why is home decor important?

Decorating your house adds value to your house and comfort ofyourfamily. Interior decoration reflects your lifestyle and ahousewith impressive interiors is sure to catch the envy ofyourneighbors. A carefully planned house decor can exalt yourhouse'sinfrastructure and can help you cover its defects. A housewithextravagant space lacking a good interior decoration will notstandbefore a little house that has the best placement of craftsaddingto its beauty.

Is it costly?

Many people restrain from interior decoration because of thefalsenotion that home decor comes at a heavy price. But the truthtellsa different story. While there are some quite expensive wayswhichrequire you to spend some extra shillings to achieve aqualitydecor from pro designers, interior decoration is not alwaysacostly affair. Many innovative ideas for home decor usingcraftsmade of recycled materials have proved to be both cheapandworthy.

Recycled crafts

So what are the things that you can recycle? They can beanythingfrom a broken bulb to an old dressing table. All you needis alittle bit of creative thinking to make those dusty old tinsandclothes to become prized possessions on your shelves and walls.Oneof the most exciting parts of recycling old objects into craftsisthat there is no limit as to how you can use them. It alldependsupon your imagination and creativity. If you are lost onwhere tostart, try with the following examples.

• Make pillow covers and cushion bags of various sizes andcolorsfrom your old t-shirts and sweaters.

• Make tiny hanging gardens with broken bulbs and little ferns.Yourold boots can become planters that can be placed byyourwindows.

• Greeting cards and birthday cards are remnants ofbeautifulmemories and they should not remain locked in yourcupboard. Makeplace mats out of our old birthday cards andphotos.

• Turn your old wine bottles into beautiful lamps andvintagearts.

• Never throw away your old CDs. You can transform old CDstoanything from door hangers to coasters for cups and candleholders.You can make beautiful wall decorations and wind chimeswithCDs.

• Transform your old wallpapers to artistic murals ontoyourwalls.

• Your old newspapers can become showcase items by a little magicoforigami.

There are limitless possibilities of recycling unused itemsintoarticles of art. You can get numerous ideas on home decorbothonline and via magazines and television. Junk art has beengettingmore and more popular and the next time you decide tothrowsomething away, do think twice about how it can be recycled asadecorative item.

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