Niantic Social 1.36.0 APK

Niantic Social is a first-party application to chat, discover,andcoordinate meetups across all of your friends andcommunitieswithin Niantic’s games. Feature highlights Communitiesand Eventson the Niantic Social Map to discover who and what ishappeningaround you for your favorite Niantic titles Communityfeaturesincluding chat channels, location sharing, roles &permissions,and more! Direct and Group Messaging to startconversations withpeople on your Niantic Friends List NianticFriends List whichconsolidates and displays all of the friendsyou’ve added acrossNiantic’s games Additional benefits Quicklyaccess yourcommunities, friends, direct messages, and more withouthaving toload Ingress every time Conveniently switch betweenIngress and theNiantic Social app so you can seamlessly play whilecoordinatingwith other Agents

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