Ninja Heroes Storm Revolution 4 APK

The game now revolves around a fightingsystem. Now the creator of the game Misashi Kishimoto has made anew character Mecha-Naru not as well as
the new character designs belonging to the organization Akatsukinot also as the tournament mode where you can have up to three CPUfighters at the same time.

The game now introduced guard-breaking and counter attacking theplayer can now break the opponents guard and use two types ofawakening
and True Awakening it is a game that will blow your mind withawesomness it is a game that has stepped up every other type ofNinja Heroes Storm Revolution video game you have to check itout.

The character roster is cool, some neat additions and updates, butfrustrating part of it, is there really isn't anyone new.
we got a bunch of more Uchiha characters, and a bunch of newUzumaki characters. And four requested edo kages, which should havebeen in the previous game as playable.
And even though people requested all these characters, the onlycharacters you really see are Shisui, Rock Lee, Neji Hyūga, Tentenor Itachi or pretty much anyone who is OP.
The balance wouldn't be so bad if the rest ofthe roster didn't feellike gimped versions of their former selves.
But these newer characters are simply better then the oldercast.

But anyway, the three types are Ultimate, Awakening and Drive. Eachhas a specific way to be played.
Ultimate types are the only type to be able to use team ultimatejutsus and Sasuke, Sai, Shikamaru, Gaara, Minato specific ultimatejutsus,
however given the frequency you see players using the Ultimatejutsu, there isn't anything Ultimate about it when you see it usedmore often then a regular jutsu.
Not only that but the Ultimate type is probably the one battle typethat benefits mostly from the counter and Guard break, which i'llget to shortly.
As for Awakening tpye, characters who have this can awaken intotheir true skill, or be able to flick into there Instant NinjaHeroes Storm Revolution,
now for most characters flicking into their instant awakening onlygives in most cases a jutsu change, or maybe a slight change inform.

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