Novum's Proximity Actions Pro 1.22 APK

This is the Pro version of Novum ProximityActions - a small, innovative and very useful utility, allowing youto perform various actions using the proximity sensor of yourdevice.

Benefits of this version:
✔ New, clean and effective implementation;
✔ Minimal app size;
✔ Significantly lower RAM usage;
✔ Unlimited actions;
✔ Simpler user interface;
✔ Pause and Exclude App buttons in the notification;
✔ More and better actions;
✔ No ads;
✔ No subscription;

Used terms:
"Wave" means to wave (or slide) your hand (or finger) closely infront of the proximity sensor of your device, in accordance withthe chosen settings.
"Hold" means to block the proximity sensor and quickly release itafter feeling the vibration.

Using this app requires some level of technical awareness andunderstanding of what the proximity sensor is, where it is and howit works!

✔ Lock the device;
✔ Toggle Auto-Rotation On/Off;
✔ Change the screen orientation, without releasing the orientationlock (Android 3.0 and up);
✔ Launch any app;
✔ Launch any shortcut (including direct dial, direct message,etc.);
✔ Toggle the LED light On/Off (if available);
✔ Home screen shortcuts for starting or stopping service (can beused with Tasker);
✔ Music: Play/Pause (Kitkat+);
✔ Music: Next (Kitkat+);
✔ Music: Previous (Kitkat+);

Contact me if you want to help translate or fix atranslation!

The app hardly use any battery power. You shouldn't even see it inthe statistics.

Development support:
This app is developed solely by me, initially for personal use,as I couldn't find such anywhere. If you like my work and want tosupport my efforts - please give a 5 star rating and share it withyour friends!

1. The status bar notification of the Persistent option isnecessary for keeping the service alive - this is how Google madeit!
2. Some devices seem to have slower proximity sensors so you wouldhave to adjust the settings and wave slower, but the app works onevery device with functioning proximity sensor!
3. To uninstall - use the "Uninstall" option in the app!
4. No personal information is collected and/or sentwhatsoever!

App Information