OB Programming Interviews 1.2 APK

OB Programming Interviews is an educationalapp launched by OptimizedBits (a startup by IIT alumni) which helpscollege students who are aiming for placements in developer profilejobs, enhance their coding skills and for experienced IT softwareengineers to advance their career growth in programming.

Major Features:
1) OB Programming Interviews is a lightweight app with smooth anduser-friendly UI and free access to our exhaustive database of 500+programming questions with hints, solutions and codes that arecommonly asked in coding written tests and interviews.

2) Questions can also be searched in our database usingkeywords.

3) Questions are categorized into a variety of topics to helpstudents focus on their weak points such as algorithms, datastructures etc.

4) Coding problems are also categorized according to difficulty/ complexity levels and are tagged based upon questions generallyasked by major companies which will aid you to focus on yourinterview preparation specifically for your dream coding job.

** Limited Period Offer: You can also download our questionsdatabase on your smart phones and can even practice codingquestions for interviews even when you are offline.

Coding topics covered:

- Array data structure
- Bit Manipulation algorithms
- Dynamic Programming
- Graph Algorithms
- Linked List data structure
- Stacks and Queues data structures
- Mathematical Computing
- Searching and Sorting
- String based algorithms
- Trees data structures

These topics cover a wide variety of coding questions from datastructures and algorithmic paradigms such as Greedy algorithms,Pattern Searching, Backtracking, Divide and conquer and heuristicalgorithms.

Companies covered:
Facebook, Amazon, Google, Flipkart, DirectI, Microsoft, Adobe,Qualcomm, Oracle, Goldmann Sachs, DE Shaw, Myntra and Samsunginterviews.

This app is a complete solution for:
Computer Science engineering, coding placements, software developerjobs, programming enthusiasts, competitive coders, computer geeks,technical interviews, beginner programmers, interviewers,pre-placement preparation, coding job aspirants, coding careergrowth, startup preparations, software developers working in techcompanies, C C++ Java Python programmers.

“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Goodprogrammers write code that humans can understand.” - Martin Fowler(author and speaker on software development)

Happy Coding

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