Orbites lois Kepler et Newton APK

Orbits, Kepler and Newton laws ..English andFrench

This software can calculate orbits of the planets of the solarsystem. A planet , size of an asteroid can also be created.
A satellite can be placed in orbit , trajectory is an ellipse or ahyperbola in the conditions of position and initial velocity. Aftercalculation, a simulation of the movement is feasible.
The main data of the trajectory can be displayed properly

A first line of buttons allows you to choose a planet around whichwill evolve the satellite; with the Plx button you can define anasteroid or a planet giving the mass; the minimum mass is 100million tonnes, an asteroid of nearly 1km in diameter; the otherbuttons include the planets of the solar system with theirdimensions and masses known.

The second line is used to define the distance unit and distance(A.U. or astronomical unit (average distance from the Earth to theSun), E6 km (1 million km), E3 Km (1000 km) and Km; for example,choosing the planet Ea(earth) and E3 and 10 on the keyboard gives adistance of 10 000 km, the satellite is up to 10 000 km from thecenter of the earth on the X axis (horizontal).
An indication of the satellite velocity is given for a circularpath and the top speed for an elliptical trajectory.

On the third line is defined radial velocity (Vx) and thetangential speed (Vy) in km / sec.

Finally the Calculation button launches the trajectorycalculation; the data button gives the main data of thetrajectory.(Hide with long click)
If the distance is not changed, several calculations can be runshowing the trajectory of changes following the speedchanges.
A simulation button starts a movement of the satellite on itstrajectory; Long press Stop returns to the calculations page.
The language may be amended after a long press on Information andreboot.

In example (data from earth to perihelion)
-Planete S
-Distance, Choice Km and 147,098,074
-Speed X: 0, y speed: 30.291
or (international station)
-Planete Ea
-Distance, Choice Km and 6720
-Speed Vx: 0, Vy: 7.7
or (Rosetta)
-Planete Plx and 100 for a mass of the comet P67 of 1E13 Kg
-Distance 15 Km
-speed X 0, y = 0.00025
For information, perihelion and speed (at per)of planets of solarsystem:
Mercure 46,001,272 Km 58.98 Km / s
Venus 107,476,259 35.26
Earth 147 098 074 30.291
Mars 206 644 545 26.5
Jupiter 740,520,000 13.71
Saturn 1349 467 375 10.183
Uranus 2748 938 461 7.1
Neptune 4452 940 833 5.487

Orbites , lois de Kepler et Newton
Ce logiciel permet de calculer des orbites autour des planetes dusysteme solaire.Ici , le satellite en orbite a une massenégligeable devant la planete (comme la terre autour du soleil) etn'a pas d'infuence sur le mouvement de la planète (pas comme lalune , qui dans sa rotation , fait bouger la terre) Une planete dela dimension d'un asteroide peut aussi etre cree .
Un satellite peut etre place en orbites et la trajectoire sera uneellipse ou une hyperbole selon les conditions de position et devitesse initiale. Apres calcul ,une simulation du mouvement estrealisable.
Les donnees principales de la trajectoire peuvent etreaffichees

Une premiere ligne de boutons permet de choisir une planete autourde laquelle va evoluer le satellite ; le bouton Plx permet dedefinir un asteroide ou une planete en indiquant la masse ; lamasse minimale est de 100 millions de tonnes , soit un asteroide depres de 1Km de diametre ;pour
les autres boutons on retrouve les planetes du systeme solaire avecleur dimensions et masses connues.

Orbits, Kepler and Newtonlaws ..English and French

This software can calculate orbits of the planets of the solarsystem. A planet, size of an asteroid can be created aussi.
A satellite can be Placed in orbit, trajectory is an ellipse or ahyperbola in terms of the initial position and velocity. Aftercalculation, a simulation of the movement is feasible.
The main data of the trajectory can be displayed Properly

A first line of buttons Allows you to choose a planet around quiWill evolve the satellite; Plx with the button you can define anasteroid or a planet giving the mass; the minimum mass is 100million tons, an asteroid of Nearly 1km in diameter; Reviews theother buttons include the planets of the solar system With Theirdimensions and masses Known.

The second line is used to define the distance unit and distance(AU or astronomical unit (average distance from the Earth to theSun), E6 km (1 million km), E3 Km (1000 km) and Km; for example,choosing the Ea planet (earth) and E3 and 10 on the keyboard Givesa distance of 10,000 km, the satellite is up to 10 000 km from thecenter of the earth on the X axis (horizontal).
An indication of the satellite velocity is Given for a circularpath and the top speed for an elliptical trajectory.

On the third line is defined radial velocity (Vx) and thetangential speed (Vy) in km / sec.

Finally the Calculation button launches the trajectorycalculation; the data button Gives the hand of the trajectory data.(Hide with long click)
If the distance is not changed, several calculations can be runshowing the trajectory of exchange Following The speedchanges.
A simulation button starts a movement of the satellite is ictstrajectory; Stop long press returns to the calculations page.
The language May be Amended after-long press on Information andreboot.

In example (data from earth to perihelion)
-Distance, Choice and Km 147,098,074
-speed X: 0, y speed: 30291
or (international station)
-Distance, And 6720 Km Choice
-speed Vx: 0, Vy: 7.7
gold (Rosetta)
-PLANETE Plx and 100 for a mass of the comet P67 Kg of 1E13
-Distance 15 Km
-speed X 0, y = 0.00025
For information, perihelion and speed (at per) of planets of solarsystem:
Mercure 46,001,272 Km 58.98 Km / s
Venus 107,476,259 35.26
Earth 30 291 147 098 074
March 206 644 545 26.5
Jupiter 740,520,000 13.71
Saturn 1349 467 375 10 183
Uranus 2748 938 461 7.1
Neptune 4452 940 833 5487

Orbits, Kepler's laws and Newton
This software can calculate the orbits of the planets around thesolaire.Ici system, the satellite in orbit has negligible mass tothe planet (as the earth around the sun) and has no infuence on themotion of the planet ( not like the moon, which, in its rotation,moves the earth) A planet the size of an asteroid can also becreated.
A satellite can be placed in orbits and the trajectory is anellipse or a hyperbola depending on the conditions of position andinitial speed. After calculation, a simulation of the movement isfeasible.
The main data of the trajectory can be Results Showing
A first row of buttons lets you choose a planet around which willevolve the satellite; Plx the button to define a planet or asteroidgiving the mass; the minimum mass is 100 million tonnes, anasteroid of nearly 1km in diameter; for
the other buttons we find the planets of the solar system withtheir masses and dimensions are known.

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