Origami 1.0 APK

Origami is the ancient Japanese art ofpaperfolding. Origami has become increasingly popular in Japan andtherest of the world. Many people enjoy the challenge of learningtofold traditional and non-traditional origami creations.Thisapplication will help you to get started.

Try making an origami piece yourself. How to Make OrigamiAnimalsexplains how to make well-known origami figures that peoplehavebeen making for a long time.

"OK, so everyone can fold paper in half. What’s so excitingaboutthat?" you may say. But you’ll soon think differently whenyou learnmore about the art of origami.

Remember making paper airplanes at school? And rememberhowsomeone, instead of an airplane, made a flower, a jumping frog,ora parrot? That was like magic. And they only had their twohandsand a plain piece of paper. How did they do it? We’ll showyouhow.

The "How to Make Origami" app is simple and easy to use.Followthe step-by-step instructions . And don’t worry, you’d haveto tryreally hard to get confused.

"Hey, that point shouldn’t be sticking out like that!"Somethingwent wrong? That’s because even an airplane requiresconcentrationand patience. Let this tranquil pastime completelyabsorb you, andyour complete relaxation is guaranteed. You know,those wiseJapanese invented a great thing.

By the way, origami develops logical reasoning, attentionspan,spatial thinking and fine motor skills. Consider that whenyou’retrying to keep fidgety kids busy.

Take a piece of paper, make folds and wrinkles and a nice dog,ora cat, or a flower will be ready. Someone asks, "Are youamagician?" ". No, it's not a trick or magic. It's yourimaginationand creativity.
Enjoy and have fun!

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