Paget High School 1.399 APK

Welcome to the Paget High School Business andEnterprise College App.
Paget High School was designated a Business and Enterprise Collegein September 2006, and was successfully redesignated in December2008. As a result of our specialism we have been able to improveour facilities, increase ICT capacity to widen curriculum choice,embed Enterprise across all subjects and introduce work relatedlearning opportunities throughout the key stages. We feel thatthese developments, along with many other initiatives havecontributed to our recent exam success.
We pride ourselves on caring for pupils and provide a high level ofsupport so that all pupils are able to succeed. Our most recentOfsted Inspection in 2011 rated Paget as good overall and singledmany areas out for special praise. We have been on a strong upwardcurve over the past few years and plans are securely in place forthis to continue.

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