Personnel Management & Industrial Relations light-1.0 APK

Simple and clean study notes for personnel management &industrial relations . Personnel Management & IndustrialRelations has important topics which are given below : Unit - I.Personnel Management Concept, nature, functions, objectives andimportance of Personnel Management Organisation of personneldepartment manpower planning Personnel policies PersonnelManagement in India Unit - II. Job Analysis Job AnalysisRecruitment Selection Placement Psychological Tests Induction &Training Performance Appraisal Merit rating Executive DevelopmentCounseling Unit - III. Industrial Relations Conceptual AnalysisThree Actors of Industrial Relations Importance and ObjectivesConditions for Congenial Industrial Relations How to manageIndustrial Relations in Hospitals Unit - IV. Industrial ConflictsConcept, causes and Types of Industrial Conflicts Prevention andSettlement of Industrial Conflicts Workers' Participation inManagement Unit - V. Compensation planning Compensation planningMethods of compensation Incentives & Fringe benefits IndustrialPsychology Principles & Methods of Ind. Psychology

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