pick pic camera APK

pick pic camera is a camera app that allow youto record photos right before and right after the moment youpressed the shutter button along with that very moment. You willthen be able to pick the best shot among the pictures taken andsave it as a still picture.

This app is developed by Sony Digital Network Applications, Inc.(SDNA)

-No more "too late", "too early"
If you have ever missed the chance to shoot the exact moment, thisis a camera app you'd want to use. You can use the app just likeany other camera app, and it automatically records photos beforeand after the moment you pressed the shutter button.

-Settings for different target objects
pick pic camera is equipped with various “Image interval” options.For example, the short interval is prepared for shooting quickmoving objects such as kids or pets. The long interval is preparedfor shooting slower ones such as a group picture.

-Attract attention using Call Out function
When you tap the Call Out button, you will hear sound such as “SayCheese!” Push the button to make a child look back or to make acrowd smile. The sound can be selected from variety of options,from mechanical sounds to animal sounds. The app comes with 31preset sounds, and the sound file in your handset can also be usedas the call out sound.

-Unique, intuitive, and fun-to-use interface
You can intuitively search for the picture you're looking for byrotating the thumbnails in circle.

modify/delete SD card contents
- To read, store, and access storage history of picture filesHardware controls
- To take pictures with the camera
- To make handset vibrate when a photo is taken

For more information, please refer to:

Tested models:

Photo and Video Solution From SDNA:

App Information